Re: [PATCH 2/2 v3] initramfs: print error and shell out for unsupported content

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Am 31.03.2014 22:31, schrieb Michal Marek:
Dne 22.3.2014 19:22, Alexander Holler napsal(a):
Am 22.03.2014 13:29, schrieb Alexander Holler:
The initramfs generation is broken for file and directory names which
colons, spaces and other unusual characters. Print an error and don't
try to
+    # Files and directories with spaces and colons are unsupported.
+    local unsupported=$(find "${srcdir}" -regex '.*\(:\|
I've just noted that -regex isn't POSIX. I don't know the kernel rules
regarding this, and I don't care. But it might be a blocker for this patch.
The bigger problem is that there is no C-style quoting in regexps or
character classes matches any file with 'n', 'r' or 't' in its name. How

   -name '*[:[:space:]]*'

Hmm, I wasn't aware that find supports such expressions, and I don't 
know how compatible that is. It would do the trick too.
But as I already said, trying to use arbitrary filenames in a Makefile 
doesn't really work. There are still other problems, e.g. filenames with 
a / (directory separator), *, or some of the special make variables like $<.
So the really working solution would be to get rid of that generated 
(and hidden) include. Modifying gen_init_cpio.c to browse and collect 
all filenames and types itself doesn't look like much work (an evening 
should be enough).
The drawback is that such a solution would build the initramfs every 
time make is called (while CONFIG_INITRAMFS_SOURCE points to a 
directory), but I think that time is negligible.
Another drawback is that it wouldn't be a simple patch anymore. Thus it 
wouldn't qualify for any stable tree (and nobody promises such a patch 
would be accepted at all, so it might be a waste of time at all).

Alexander Holler

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