stable/linux-5.3.y boot: 97 boots: 1 failed, 95 passed with 1 untried/unknown (v5.3.15) Full Boot Summary: Full Build Summary: Tree: stable Branch: linux-5.3.y Git Describe: v5.3.15 Git Commit: 8539dfa4fcbcf58c3c2f92ac57b964add884d12b Git URL: Tested: 60 unique boards, 17 SoC families, 15 builds out of 208 Boot Regressions Detected: arm64: defconfig: gcc-8: apq8096-db820c: lab-bjorn: new failure (last pass: v5.3.14) Boot Failure Detected: arm64: defconfig: gcc-8: apq8096-db820c: 1 failed lab --- For more info write to <info@xxxxxxxxxxxx>