Revert "PCI: Use preserve_config in place of pci_flags"

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From: Terry Tritton <terry.tritton@xxxxxxxxxx>

This reverts commit c1a1393f7844c645389e5f1a3f1f0350e0fb9316 which is
commit 7246a4520b4bf1494d7d030166a11b5226f6d508 upstream.

This patch causes a regression in cuttlefish/crossvm boot on arm64.

The patch was part of a series that when applied will not cause a regression
but this patch was backported to the 5.15 branch by itself.

The other patches do not apply cleanly to the 5.15 branch.

Signed-off-by: Terry Tritton <terry.tritton@xxxxxxxxxx>
Signed-off-by: Greg Kroah-Hartman <gregkh@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
 drivers/pci/controller/pci-host-common.c |    4 ++++
 drivers/pci/probe.c                      |   20 +++++++++++---------
 2 files changed, 15 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)

--- a/drivers/pci/controller/pci-host-common.c
+++ b/drivers/pci/controller/pci-host-common.c
@@ -73,6 +73,10 @@ int pci_host_common_probe(struct platfor
 	if (IS_ERR(cfg))
 		return PTR_ERR(cfg);
+	/* Do not reassign resources if probe only */
+	if (!pci_has_flag(PCI_PROBE_ONLY))
+		pci_add_flags(PCI_REASSIGN_ALL_BUS);
 	bridge->sysdata = cfg;
 	bridge->ops = (struct pci_ops *)&ops->pci_ops;
 	bridge->msi_domain = true;
--- a/drivers/pci/probe.c
+++ b/drivers/pci/probe.c
@@ -3048,18 +3048,20 @@ int pci_host_probe(struct pci_host_bridg
 	bus = bridge->bus;
-	/* If we must preserve the resource configuration, claim now */
-	if (bridge->preserve_config)
-		pci_bus_claim_resources(bus);
-	 * Assign whatever was left unassigned. If we didn't claim above,
-	 * this will reassign everything.
+	 * We insert PCI resources into the iomem_resource and
+	 * ioport_resource trees in either pci_bus_claim_resources()
+	 * or pci_bus_assign_resources().
-	pci_assign_unassigned_root_bus_resources(bus);
+	if (pci_has_flag(PCI_PROBE_ONLY)) {
+		pci_bus_claim_resources(bus);
+	} else {
+		pci_bus_size_bridges(bus);
+		pci_bus_assign_resources(bus);
-	list_for_each_entry(child, &bus->children, node)
-		pcie_bus_configure_settings(child);
+		list_for_each_entry(child, &bus->children, node)
+			pcie_bus_configure_settings(child);
+	}
 	return 0;

Patches currently in stable-queue which might be from terry.tritton@xxxxxxxxxx are


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