Patch "netfilter: nf_conntrack_irc: Tighten matching on DCC message" has been added to the 5.4-stable tree

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This is a note to let you know that I've just added the patch titled

    netfilter: nf_conntrack_irc: Tighten matching on DCC message

to the 5.4-stable tree which can be found at:;a=summary

The filename of the patch is:
and it can be found in the queue-5.4 subdirectory.

If you, or anyone else, feels it should not be added to the stable tree,
please let <stable@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> know about it.

commit c7cbc892ce7193974b4db682849ab78b22d0fe39
Author: David Leadbeater <dgl@xxxxxx>
Date:   Fri Aug 26 14:56:57 2022 +1000

    netfilter: nf_conntrack_irc: Tighten matching on DCC message
    [ Upstream commit e8d5dfd1d8747b56077d02664a8838c71ced948e ]
    CTCP messages should only be at the start of an IRC message, not
    anywhere within it.
    While the helper only decodes packes in the ORIGINAL direction, its
    possible to make a client send a CTCP message back by empedding one into
    a PING request.  As-is, thats enough to make the helper believe that it
    saw a CTCP message.
    Fixes: 869f37d8e48f ("[NETFILTER]: nf_conntrack/nf_nat: add IRC helper port")
    Signed-off-by: David Leadbeater <dgl@xxxxxx>
    Signed-off-by: Florian Westphal <fw@xxxxxxxxx>
    Signed-off-by: Sasha Levin <sashal@xxxxxxxxxx>

diff --git a/net/netfilter/nf_conntrack_irc.c b/net/netfilter/nf_conntrack_irc.c
index 26245419ef4a..65b5b05fe38d 100644
--- a/net/netfilter/nf_conntrack_irc.c
+++ b/net/netfilter/nf_conntrack_irc.c
@@ -148,15 +148,37 @@ static int help(struct sk_buff *skb, unsigned int protoff,
 	data = ib_ptr;
 	data_limit = ib_ptr + skb->len - dataoff;
-	/* strlen("\1DCC SENT t AAAAAAAA P\1\n")=24
-	 * 5+MINMATCHLEN+strlen("t AAAAAAAA P\1\n")=14 */
-	while (data < data_limit - (19 + MINMATCHLEN)) {
-		if (memcmp(data, "\1DCC ", 5)) {
+	/* Skip any whitespace */
+	while (data < data_limit - 10) {
+		if (*data == ' ' || *data == '\r' || *data == '\n')
+			data++;
+		else
+			break;
+	}
+	/* strlen("PRIVMSG x ")=10 */
+	if (data < data_limit - 10) {
+		if (strncasecmp("PRIVMSG ", data, 8))
+			goto out;
+		data += 8;
+	}
+	/* strlen(" :\1DCC SENT t AAAAAAAA P\1\n")=26
+	 * 7+MINMATCHLEN+strlen("t AAAAAAAA P\1\n")=26
+	 */
+	while (data < data_limit - (21 + MINMATCHLEN)) {
+		/* Find first " :", the start of message */
+		if (memcmp(data, " :", 2)) {
+		data += 2;
+		/* then check that place only for the DCC command */
+		if (memcmp(data, "\1DCC ", 5))
+			goto out;
 		data += 5;
-		/* we have at least (19+MINMATCHLEN)-5 bytes valid data left */
+		/* we have at least (21+MINMATCHLEN)-(2+5) bytes valid data left */
 		iph = ip_hdr(skb);
 		pr_debug("DCC found in master %pI4:%u %pI4:%u\n",
@@ -172,7 +194,7 @@ static int help(struct sk_buff *skb, unsigned int protoff,
 			pr_debug("DCC %s detected\n", dccprotos[i]);
 			/* we have at least
-			 * (19+MINMATCHLEN)-5-dccprotos[i].matchlen bytes valid
+			 * (21+MINMATCHLEN)-7-dccprotos[i].matchlen bytes valid
 			 * data left (== 14/13 bytes) */
 			if (parse_dcc(data, data_limit, &dcc_ip,
 				       &dcc_port, &addr_beg_p, &addr_end_p)) {

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