Environment :
OS : AIX 5.3
OpenSSH : 4.3p2
When logging in using ssh with a user defined in LDAP, the 'ls -l' of any
given directory is done within seconds.
When giving the 'ls -l' command via a sftp session, this can take upto
minutes (depending on the amount of entries in the directory).
This is not an issue with the sftp client, as I've tested several sftp
clients (OpenSSH, F-Secure and WinSCP) and all have the same problem.
It seems that the issue has to do with the combination of the user being
defined in LDAP and sftp.
To be clear, this even happens when the owners of the files/directories that
are being displayed with the 'ls -l' command are local users.
Did anyone come across this issue or anything like it?
Thanks in advance for any insight given in this matter.
Kind regards,
Mark van Huijstee