I subscribe to the squirrelmail-users mailing list. [ ] True - No need to CC me when replying [ ] False - Please CC me when replying This bug occurs when I ... ... view a particular message ... use a specific plugin/function ... try to do/view/use .... The description of the bug: On the login page, The validate button is only a square button without text. No text, it is empty I can reproduce the bug by: yes, still present for each login. (Optional) I got bored and found the bug occurs in: (Optional) I got really bored and here's a fix: ---------------------------------------------- My browser information: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:34.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/34.0 My web server information: PHP Version 5.4.16 PHP Extensions (List) * 0 = Core * 1 = date * 2 = ereg * 3 = libxml * 4 = openssl * 5 = pcre * 6 = zlib * 7 = bz2 * 8 = calendar * 9 = ctype * 10 = hash * 11 = filter * 12 = ftp * 13 = gettext * 14 = gmp * 15 = SPL * 16 = iconv * 17 = Reflection * 18 = session * 19 = standard * 20 = shmop * 21 = SimpleXML * 22 = sockets * 23 = mbstring * 24 = tokenizer * 25 = xml * 26 = apache2handler * 27 = curl * 28 = dom * 29 = fileinfo * 30 = gd * 31 = intl * 32 = json * 33 = ldap * 34 = exif * 35 = mcrypt * 36 = mysql * 37 = mysqli * 38 = PDO * 39 = pdo_mysql * 40 = pdo_sqlite * 41 = Phar * 42 = posix * 43 = pspell * 44 = sqlite3 * 45 = sysvmsg * 46 = sysvsem * 47 = sysvshm * 48 = wddx * 49 = xmlreader * 50 = xmlwriter * 51 = xsl * 52 = zip * 53 = mhash SquirrelMail-specific information: Version: 1.4.22 Plugins (List) * 0 = abook_import_export * 1 = calendar * 2 = filters * 3 = info * 4 = message_details * 5 = squirrelspell * 6 = bug_report * 7 = delete_move_next * 8 = spamcop My IMAP server information: Server type: other Server info: * OK [HIDDEN] IMAP4rev1 LITERAL+ SASL-IR LOGIN-REFERRALS ID ENABLE IDLE STARTTLS AUTH=PLAIN AUTH=LOGIN] Dovecot ready. Capabilities: IMAP4rev1 LITERAL+ SASL-IR LOGIN-REFERRALS ID ENABLE IDLE STARTTLS AUTH=PLAIN AUTH=LOGIN ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Dive into the World of Parallel Programming! The Go Parallel Website, sponsored by Intel and developed in partnership with Slashdot Media, is your hub for all things parallel software development, from weekly thought leadership blogs to news, videos, case studies, tutorials and more. Take a look and join the conversation now. http://goparallel.sourceforge.net ----- squirrelmail-users mailing list Posting guidelines: http://squirrelmail.org/postingguidelines List address: squirrelmail-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx List archives: http://news.gmane.org/gmane.mail.squirrelmail.user List info (subscribe/unsubscribe/change options): https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/squirrelmail-users