Re: Squirrelmail attachment error when combined with jmeter to send attachments multiple times

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> Apologies for the lengthy mail. I am trying to explain the problem in detail.
> I need help badly to solve the below problem. Any suggestion is appreciated.
> We are recording the scenario of sending a mail with attachment through
> Squirrel mail Using Jmeter. Our intension is to send many mails using Jmeter
> and Squirrelmail.
> While recording,
>  I attached the file and sent. It got recorded successfully. But when I
> start running the script using jmeter, I am getting error because the file
> name is hard coded in script and its not able to find the same name again.
> The file name will be created on the fly in squirrelmail and will be stored
> for the section "attach file" . The sample attach file is below.
> a:1:{i:0;O:7:"Message":21:{s:13:"rfc822_header";s:0:"";s:19:"reply_rfc822_header";s:0:"";s:11:"mime_header";O:13:"MessageHeader":10:{s:5:"type0";s:11:"application";s:5:"type1";s:12:"octet-stream";s:10:"parameters";a:1:{s:4:"name";s:10:"jmeter.log";}s:2:"id";i:0;s:11:"description";s:0:"";s:8:"encoding";s:0:"";s:4:"size";i:0;s:3:"md5";s:0:"";s:11:"disposition";O:11:"Disposition":2:{s:4:"name";s:10:"attachment";s:10:"properties";a:1:{s:8:"filename";s:10:"jmeter.log";}}s:8:"language";s:0:"";}s:5:"flags";s:0:"";s:5:"type0";s:0:"";s:5:"type1";s:0:"";s:8:"entities";a:0:{}s:9:"entity_id";s:0:"";s:10:"parent_ent";N;s:6:"entity";N;s:6:"parent";s:0:"";s:12:"decoded_body";s:0:"";s:7:"is_seen";i:0;s:11:"is_answered";i:0;s:10:"is_deleted";i:0;s:10:"is_flagged";i:0;s:10:"is_mdnsent";i:0;s:9:"body_part";s:0:"";s:6:"offset";i:0;s:6:"length";i:0;s:14:"att_local_name";s:32:"1ajDgYkgMQoKBVkC2xkTbUF5yScvcHlA";}}
> What squirrelmail basically does is, it copies the attached file and store
> it in its configured attachment directory. The name of the file stored in
> attachment directory wont be same as file name. It stores the file name in
> 32 characters. For eg: 1ajDgYkgMQoKBVkC2xkTbUF5yScvcHlA, which is given
> above as part of the attach file.
> The files listed in attachment directory are
> ### ls -l
> rw-------   1 _www   staff  13970 Jan 22 04:47
> 0VIpOBdvcpYkGqCtd2Lvhs8B0o7HfW8A
> -rw-------   1 _www   staff   5853 Jan 22 04:12
> -rw-------   1 _www   staff  18860 Jan 22 05:24
> -rw-------   1 _www   staff  10058 Jan 22 04:38
> LZ44HTqSqju1VSEpbTTc21VOSW0dnLs2
> So when I start running, basically the script will attach again the same
> file, but it will store in squirrelmail attach directory with on the fly
> created file name (some 32 characters file name), which is not known to the
> script, as it is created on the fly. And the script fails because it tries
> to open the file which is hard coded in the script. I get the below error:
>> Warning:
>> fopen(/Library/WebServer/Documents/squirrelmail/attach/1ajDgYkgMQoKBVkC2xkTbUF5yScvcHlA)
>> [function.fopen]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in
>> /Library/WebServer/Documents/squirrelmail/class/deliver/Deliver.class.php
>> on line 307
> It wont find the above file because it will be deleted from attachment
> directory once its sent successfully.
> I presume I need to do some kind of correlation for attach file section. So
> that jmeter will pick the newly created file and attach it.
> I need help in correlating it so that, if I run the script multiple times,
> jmeter and squirrelmail should be able to send each time, the same file
> again and again. How can I do that?

I haven't used Jmeter, but IMHO, a load testing tool should be able to
accept the form data in a page request and know what to do with it
(without the need to know and hard-code the contents of that data).
The SM code is designed to work this way for a number of good reasons,
and sends the client enough information to be able to properly send
the mail via a simple form submit.  I'm surprised that an Apache tool
has to work at such a primitive level.  Are you sure there's not a
better way to use the tool to accomplish your needs?

> I tried modifying the attach file for that 32 characters and replaced with
> regular expression "(.+?)". But I am getting the below error:

For testing only, you could go into src/compose.php (assuming you are
using version 1.4.18SVN, which should be mostly the same as 1.4.17)
and find line 930:

$localfilename = GenerateRandomString(32, '', 7);

Change this so it sets the name to some static string.

$localfilename = 'attachment_file_for_testing_only';

I haven't tested this, so there could be some issue with this, but you
can take it from there.

> Notice: unserialize() [function.unserialize]:     Error at offset 866 of 876
> bytes in /Library/WebServer/Documents/squirrelmail/src/compose.php     on
> line 370

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