On Thu, 7 Feb 2008, mahecha@xxxxxxxxx wrote: > I have a number of users that have reported sending messages from their > webmail, the message shows in their sent folder, but the message never > arrives to its destination... also, from I can tell, the message did not > make it to the Sent Folder in the imap server... even when squirrelmail > reports it being there. > > Has any one seen this? I've seen similar with inbox, its there, pop3 shows it there, log out and in different client still not there, restart dovecot and its there, are you perhaps using dovecot? > IMAP server ready (* OK ccaix.jsums.edu Cyrus IMAP4 > v2.2.12-Invoca-RPM-2.2.12-8.1.RHEL4 server ready) ok so your not using dovecot :) -- Cheers Res mysql> update auth set Framed-IP-Address='' where user= 'troll'; ------------------------------------------------------------------------- This SF.net email is sponsored by: Microsoft Defy all challenges. Microsoft(R) Visual Studio 2008. http://clk.atdmt.com/MRT/go/vse0120000070mrt/direct/01/ ----- squirrelmail-users mailing list Posting guidelines: http://squirrelmail.org/postingguidelines List address: squirrelmail-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx List archives: http://news.gmane.org/gmane.mail.squirrelmail.user List info (subscribe/unsubscribe/change options): https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/squirrelmail-users