>> Couldn't get it to work.>> Looks like I was to quick, to say that it didn't worked ;)> The copy button (I used the PHP code from the diff files) copy the> mail to the right public folder, but when used, it gives the error:>> Category: PHP> Message: Invalid argument supplied for foreach()> FILE: functions\mailbox_display.php> LINE: 1316>> I've attached mailbox_display.php, if anyone there knows more about> PHP than me (I donøt know much about PHP, so it's relay easy to know> more about it than me :-D ), want to take a look at it. Line 1274---$aUpdatedMsgs =sqimap_msgs_list_copy($imapConnection,$aUid,$targetMailbox,true,$mailbox);--- replace with---sqimap_msgs_list_copy($imapConnection,$aUid,$targetMailbox,true);--- sqimap_msgs_list_copy() return differs from sqimap_msgs_list_move(). php4.3.10 does not complain when foreach gets true. your php versioncomplains about it. Thanks for testing and feedback. -- Tomas --squirrelmail-users mailing listPosting Guidelines: http://www.squirrelmail.org/wiki/MailingListPostingGuidelinesList Address: squirrelmail-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Archives: http://news.gmane.org/thread.php?group=gmane.mail.squirrelmail.userList Archives: http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/forum.php?forum_id=2995List Info: https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/squirrelmail-users