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DoH blocking by way of rep_mime_type directive

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Hello fellow Squid users,

Has anyone attempted to block DoH with mime? 

If not, this is how I have done this.

The only issue is MS Teams, requires doh, so I am confused as to how to add an override for specific by need sites.

Here is how I did this.

Please if anyone knows how to add a bypass for this let me know. 

acl deny_rep_mime_doh rep_mime_type application/dns-message
acl deny_rep_mime_doh rep_mime_type text/dns
acl deny_rep_mime_doh rep_mime_type application/dns+json
http_reply_access deny deny_rep_mime_doh

acl doh_rfc8484 urlpath_regex -i ^/dns-query
acl doh_rfc8484 urlpath_regex -i dns=
acl doh_rfc8484 urlpath_regex -i ^/resolve
acl doh_group any-of deny_rep_mime_doh doh_rfc8484
http_access deny doh_group

acl terminate_group any-of deny_rep_mime_doh doh_rfc8484

acl active_use annotate_client active=true

ssl_bump peek step1
ssl_bump terminate terminate_group
miss_access deny no_miss active_use
ssl_bump splice splice_main active_use
ssl_bump bump bump_main active_use
acl activated note active_use true
ssl_bump terminate !activated


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