> Please detail what you mean by "choice" or "decision". For example, do
> you want to stop the timer when Squid makes its final http_access decision?I mean I want to monitor the latency on what I could manage : the communication between client & squid, the time squid uses to process requests. But not the time spent by the destination server as I don't manage it.
This could be multiple monitors if 1 is too complicated or not possible. So yes for example a timer that stop when Squid makes its final http_access decision (in case of http or bumped https) or its final ssl_bump splice decision.
Thanks a lot for your time !
Cordialement, Regards,
On Wed, Feb 19, 2025 at 5:39 PM Alex Rousskov <rousskov@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
On 2025-02-19 06:26, BENJAMIN DELANNOY wrote:
> For %<pt : "The timer starts when the last request byte is sent to the
> next hop and stops when the last response byte is received." Are we
> talking of last request / last response of a single TCP connection on
> server side ?
I believe the short answer is "no": If Squid uses multiple TCP
Squid-peer connections to forward a single client request, then the last
connection used for that request forwarding should determine overall
transaction outcome and %<pt values in access.log.
> Do we agree that we are purely talking about
> request/response on HTTP, and thus this time does not take into account
> the time spent with SSL negotiation / squid actions before ?
I believe the short answer is "yes": Today, %<pt timer starts after the
HTTP (or FTP) request is written to the peer, so TLS handshake (if any)
would happen before that timer starts. AFAIK, Squid does not support
> For %<tt : I understand that all the time spent sending requests &
> waiting responses from the Origin are added. It would also means that if
> I subtract this timer to %tr, I would have only the ClientSide time
> before first packet is sent to Origin by the squid & after the last
> packet is received from the Origin ?
Yes, but "before" and "after" can be misleading here (in general)
because there may be periods of time when Squid is _not_ talking to a
peer but is working on what you call "ClientSide". For example, there is
code that decides whether to revalidate a received peer response. From
Squid point of view, that code runs on "ClientSide" -- %<tt timers may
be stopped when that code runs. Since you are not caching, that
particular code is not relevant to you.
Also, please keep in mind that a slow client may effectively stall
Squid-to-peer I/O by not consuming response data fast enough, filling
Squid response buffers (see read_ahead_gap). If one only looks at "%tr -
%<tt" difference in such cases, one would observe near-0 values and may
mistakenly conclude that the slow client is super fast!
> Actually, what I want to monitor, is the time between the first client
> packet received on the Squid and the time the squid makes its choice :
> - based on SNI for SSL Splice
> - based on HTTP ACL (HTTP traffic or HTTPS traffic with SSL Bump)
> Based on this, I would be able to check if a squid server is taking too
> much time making a decision.
> Is this something feasible?
Please detail what you mean by "choice" or "decision". For example, do
you want to stop the timer when Squid makes its final http_access decision?
Thank you,
> On Mon, Feb 17, 2025 at 4:47 PM Alex Rousskov wrote:
> On 2025-02-17 10:02, BENJAMIN DELANNOY wrote:
> > I try to figure out what is exactly measured with the <pt & <tt
> timings.
> > I don't get what are the difference between them, what is the
> difference
> > between "peer response time" & "time spent forwarding to origin
> > servers",
> Have you seen %<pt and %<tt descriptions at [1]? %<tt description was
> updated in August 2024, and squid.conf.documented in Squid v6 and
> earlier does not have those documentation updates (and the
> corresponding
> bug fixes)...
> [1] http://www.squid-cache.org/Doc/config/logformat/
> <http://www.squid-cache.org/Doc/config/logformat/>
> > what is the "last I/O with the last peer", etc.
> When forwarding a single client request, Squid may talk to multiple
> cache_peer and origin server addresses (collectively called "peers").
> Talking to a given peer may include multiple socket reading and writing
> (i.e. I/O) events. Does this clarify?
> > For information, I aim to calculate the time spent on the
> client-side &
> > by squid processing time, excluding the server-side time spent
> (=what I
> > don't manage).
> This kind of calculation is a common need. Please keep in mind that
> Squid may spend time on the client side (e.g., awaiting the next
> request
> body byte) while also spending time on the server side (e.g., awaiting
> the next response body byte), complicating things.
> If existing %codes are not enough, please detail your needs in terms of
> events that Squid can recognize (e.g., receiving the first response
> header byte or sending the last request body byte).
> HTH,
> Alex.
> > We do not use squid for caching but only for http & ssl
> proxy/filtering.
> >
> > Thanks a lot !
> >
> >
> > Cordialement, Regards,
> >
> >
> > Benjamin DELANNOY
> >
> > Cloud Network Engineer
> >
> >
> > Mobile +33 (0)6 16 98 23 72
> >
> >
> > 135 rue Sadi Carnot • CS 00001 • 59790 Ronchin • FRANCE
> >
> > positivetech.adeo.com <http://positivetech.adeo.com>
> <https://positivetech.adeo.com/ <https://positivetech.adeo.com/>>
> >
> > adeolinkedin <https://www.linkedin.com/company/groupe-adeo
> <https://www.linkedin.com/company/groupe-adeo>>
> >
> >
> >
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