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Re: Authentication of Domain PC

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> it should be possible using an external ACL helper which gets the
> IP, queries DNS or AD to get the computer name to IP mapping , and
> grants access as appropriate. 

This ACL should also make a query to AD LDAP to check if the computer is a member of the PrivateServers group.
I think this is authorization rather than authentication.

Kind regards,

вт, 18 февр. 2025 г. в 09:12, Francesco Chemolli <gkinkie@xxxxxxxxx>:
  it should be possible using an external ACL helper which gets the
IP, queries DNS or AD to get the computer name to IP mapping , and
grants access as appropriate. You'll want to cache the results, but
then be aware that there might improperly give access if a computer
changes IP address.

On Tue, Feb 18, 2025 at 9:47 AM Cursed Boss <cursedboss@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Good day. Could you please ask, is it possible to authenticate and give Internet access via domain computer name.
> For example I have group in my AD - PrivateServers. I want all servers in this group grant access to Internet and it doesn’t matter which users work on them or from which users the services are running.
> I know squid have acl to control which ip addresses can get access, but I don't know which ips these servers will have. All I know that it is domain servers and workstations.
> If possible how could I reach these?
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