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To Do List (smart pointer examples)

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Hello Fellow Squid Users,

I am currently a computer science major and I would love to have the honor of helping this project, plus learn at the same time.

Can someone show me an example of doing one of these requests on the to do list? I am currently taking a class that on the syllabus states we are going to learn pointers within Unix this semester.

Leading to, I would like to help with the migration to smart pointers.

Do anyone have an example plus the section of the code on gethub needs all the changes, (I am a student, and the code base is massive) What I am looking for is a single example and I will do more of them. 

On Squid's easy to do list it states... 

  1. update a HttpRequest raw pointer to a HttpRequest::Pointer. Including all code performing locking on it
  2. update a HttpReply raw pointer to a HttpReply::Pointer. Including all code performing locking on it
  3. update a HttpMsg raw pointer to a HttpMsg::Pointer. Including all code performing locking on it
  4. update a CBDATA raw pointer to a CbcPointer. Including all code performing validation tests and locking on it.

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