On 12/01/2023 9:10 am, robert k Wild wrote:
hi all,
i have made a whitelist to go to some website, atm i have temp
commented out #http_access deny to go to any website
when i browse the web i can go on gmail,o365,hsbc,facebook etc
but when i try to go to "eicar.org <http://eicar.org>" i get the
following error
The following error was encountered while trying to retrieve the URL:
*Connection to 2a00:1828:1000:2497::2 failed.*
The system returned: /(101) Network is unreachable/
So what I/we can tell from that is that the traffic is HTTPS, and the
server IP address(es) (all of them) are not accessible to your proxy.
You will have to investigate the logs and traffic connectivity to see if
you can find out why they are unreachable.
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