peace i have squid with ufdb guard, after upgrading today to 5.3 i'm
2022/01/06 14:47:35| Processing: acl localhet src # RFC
3927 link-local (directly plugged) machines
2022/01/06 14:47:35| Processing: acl SSL_ports port 443
2022/01/06 14:47:35| Processing: acl Safe_ports port 80 # http
2022/01/06 14:47:35| Processing: acl Safe_ports port 8080 # http
2022/01/06 14:47:35| Processing: acl Safe_ports port 21 # ftp
2022/01/06 14:47:35| Processing: acl Safe_ports port 443 # https
2022/01/06 14:47:35| Processing: acl Safe_ports port 70 # gopher
2022/01/06 14:47:35| Processing: acl Safe_ports port 210 # wais
2022/01/06 14:47:35| Processing: acl Safe_ports port 1025-65535 #
unregistered ports
2022/01/06 14:47:35| Processing: acl Safe_ports port 280 # http-mgmt
2022/01/06 14:47:35| Processing: acl Safe_ports port 488 # gss-http
2022/01/06 14:47:35| Processing: acl Safe_ports port 591 # filemaker
2022/01/06 14:47:35| Processing: acl Safe_ports port 777 # multiling http
2022/01/06 14:47:35| Processing: acl CONNECT method CONNECT
2022/01/06 14:47:35| Processing: acl blockfiles urlpath_regex -i
2022/01/06 14:47:35| Processing: http_access deny !Safe_ports
2022/01/06 14:47:35| Processing: http_access deny CONNECT !SSL_ports
2022/01/06 14:47:35| Processing: http_access allow localhost manager
2022/01/06 14:47:35| Processing: http_access deny manager
2022/01/06 14:47:35| Processing: visible_hostname
2022/01/06 14:47:35| Processing: forwarded_for delete
2022/01/06 14:47:35| Processing: delay_pools 1
2022/01/06 14:47:35| Processing: delay_class 1 3
2022/01/06 14:47:35| Processing: delay_access 1 allow slower
2022/01/06 14:47:35| Processing: delay_access 1 deny all
2022/01/06 14:47:35| Processing: delay_parameters 1 128000/128000 -1/-1
2022/01/06 14:47:35| Processing: http_access allow localnet
2022/01/06 14:47:35| Processing: http_access allow localhost
2022/01/06 14:47:35| Processing: http_access deny all
2022/01/06 14:47:35| Processing: http_port 8080 ssl-bump
cert=/etc/squid/certs/myCA.pem generate-host-certificates=on
2022/01/06 14:47:35| Processing: acl tls_s1_connect at_step SslBump1
2022/01/06 14:47:35| Processing: acl tls_s2_client_hello at_step SslBump2
2022/01/06 14:47:35| Processing: acl tls_s3_server_hello at_step SslBump3
2022/01/06 14:47:35| Processing: acl tls_allowed_hsts ssl::server_name
2022/01/06 14:47:35| Processing: acl tls_allowed_hsts ssl::server_name
2022/01/06 14:47:35| Processing: acl tls_server_is_bank
2022/01/06 14:47:35| Processing: acl tls_to_splice any-of
tls_allowed_hsts tls_server_is_bank
2022/01/06 14:47:35| Processing: ssl_bump peek tls_s1_connect #
peek at TLS/SSL connect data
2022/01/06 14:47:35| Processing: ssl_bump splice tls_to_splice #
splice some: no active bump
2022/01/06 14:47:35| Processing: ssl_bump stare all #
stare(peek) at server
2022/01/06 14:47:35| Processing: ssl_bump bump # bump if we
can (if the stare succeeded)
2022/01/06 14:47:35| Processing: cache_dir ufs /var/cache/squid 3000 16 256
2022/01/06 14:47:35| Processing: coredump_dir /var/cache/squid
2022/01/06 14:47:35| Processing: cache_mem 960 MB
2022/01/06 14:47:35| Processing: netdb_filename none
2022/01/06 14:47:35| Processing: refresh_pattern ^ftp: 1440 20% 10080
2022/01/06 14:47:35| Processing: refresh_pattern ^gopher: 1440 0% 1440
2022/01/06 14:47:35| Processing: refresh_pattern -i (/cgi-bin/|\?) 0 0% 0
2022/01/06 14:47:35| Processing: refresh_pattern . 0 20% 4320
2022/01/06 14:47:35| Processing: url_rewrite_extras "%>a/%>A %un %>rm
bump_mode=%ssl::bump_mode sni=\"%ssl::>sni\" referer=\"%{Referer}>h\""
2022/01/06 14:47:35| Processing: url_rewrite_program
/usr/local/ufdbguard/bin/ufdbgclient -m 4 -l /var/log/squid/
2022/01/06 14:47:35| Processing: url_rewrite_children 16 startup=8
idle=2 concurrency=4 queue-size=64
2022/01/06 14:47:35| Initializing https:// proxy context
2022/01/06 14:47:35| Requiring client certificates.
2022/01/06 14:47:36| Initializing http_port [::]:8080 TLS contexts
2022/01/06 14:47:36| Using certificate in /etc/squid/certs/myCA.pem
2022/01/06 14:47:36| Using certificate chain in /etc/squid/certs/myCA.pem
2022/01/06 14:47:36| Adding issuer CA:
2022/01/06 14:47:36| Using key in /etc/squid/certs/myCA.pem
2022/01/06 14:47:36| Not requiring any client certificates
in cache.log:
2022/01/06 14:27:14 kid1| ERROR: failure while accepting a TLS
connection on conn907 local= remote= FD
197 flags=1: 0x55e7126a28c0*1
current master transaction: master95
2022/01/06 14:27:16| Pinger exiting.
2022/01/06 14:27:18 kid1| FATAL: check failed: opening()
exception location: noteDestinationsEnd
current master transaction: master95
2022/01/06 14:27:18 kid1| Closing Pinger socket on FD 46
current master transaction: master95
2022/01/06 14:27:18| Removing PID file (/run/
systemctl status squid
× squid.service - Squid caching proxy
Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/squid.service; enabled;
vendor preset: disabled)
Active: failed (Result: exit-code) since Thu 2022-01-06 14:27:18
+03; 23min ago
Docs: man:squid(8)
Process: 12653
(code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
Process: 12657 ExecStart=/usr/sbin/squid -FC (code=exited,
Main PID: 12658 (code=exited, status=1/FAILURE)
CPU: 3min 22.025s
Jan 06 14:27:07 proxy squid[12658]: Squid Parent: squid-1 process 13723
exited with status 1
Jan 06 14:27:07 proxy squid[12658]: Squid Parent: (squid-1) process
13773 started
Jan 06 14:27:09 proxy squid[12658]: Squid Parent: squid-1 process 13773
exited with status 1
Jan 06 14:27:09 proxy squid[12658]: Squid Parent: (squid-1) process
13823 started
Jan 06 14:27:18 proxy squid[12658]: Squid Parent: squid-1 process 13823
exited with status 1
Jan 06 14:27:18 proxy squid[12658]: Squid Parent: squid-1 process 13823
will not be restarted for 3600 seconds due to repeated, frequent failures
Jan 06 14:27:18 proxy squid[12658]: Exiting due to repeated, frequent
Jan 06 14:27:18 proxy systemd[1]: squid.service: Main process exited,
code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
Jan 06 14:27:18 proxy systemd[1]: squid.service: Failed with result
Jan 06 14:27:18 proxy systemd[1]: squid.service: Consumed 3min 22.025s
CPU time.
what is the cause knowing that i changed /var/cache/squid/ssl_db from
root:root to squid:squid
and /var/cache/squid from root:squid to squid:squid
sudo sysctl -a | grep net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6
net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6 = 1
what is the cause?
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