On a box I manage, Squids occasionally stops for a few minutes, blaming
a communication error with C-ICAP (running SquidClamAV).
In cache.log I see:
2021/01/04 14:24:24 kid1| suspending ICAP service for too many failures
2021/01/04 14:24:24 kid1| essential ICAP service is suspended: icap:// [down,susp,fail11]
This happens usually once a day, always at the same time.
AFAIK there's no particular job running on the server at that time; I
analyzed squid.log to see whether some client accesses something
specific at that hour of the day, but came up empty.
Obviously I looked into C-ICAP logs, but, again, found no hint of any
error or trouble.
Any suggestion on what to do to investigate this?
bye & Thanks
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