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Re: Setting up proxy with private to public

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Sorry, replying to the list this time - for some reason my previous reply went 
to your private address.

On Wednesday 15 April 2020 at 15:08:36, Chris Bidwell - NOAA Federal wrote:

> So after looking further.  It looks like when I'm trying to wget from my
> squid server, which has the two nics (internal and public), it's trying to
> send it through the internal connection.  It doesn't seem to want to route
> through the external nic.

Okay, so not currently a Squid problem, then.

What does "route -n" tell you, and what do you think your default gateway 
address to the Internet should be (ie: what's the address of the router which 
you think Squid should be using from its external interface to get to the 


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