see this in log, after this squid dies.
2020/02/26 11:17:47 kid1| UPGRADE WARNING: URL rewriter reponded with
garbage ' abdrashitovrr
CONNECT myip= myport=8090'. Future Squid wil
l treat this as part of the URL.
2020/02/26 11:17:48 kid1| assertion failed: MemBuf.cc:354: "new_cap >
(size_t) capacity"
from systemctl status:
фев 26 11:17:48 inetgw2 squid[1167]: Squid Parent: squid-1 process 11576
exited due to signal 6 with
фев 26 11:17:48 inetgw2 squid[1167]: Squid Parent: squid-1 process 11576
will not be restarted for 3
фев 26 11:17:48 inetgw2 squid[1167]: Exiting due to repeated, frequent
I see this several times, have no idea what caused this, even if this
is redirector error, squid should not crash...
Is there any way to fix this?
Thank you!
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