Thanks for providing useful information.
I'd like to consider further.
Best regards,
On 2018/02/07 1:46, Alex Rousskov wrote:
On 02/06/2018 04:31 AM, Koji Fushimi wrote:
In my understanding, the default is passive mode.
-/etc/squid/squid.conf ftp_passive ON
Yes, passive mode is the default.
AFAIK, passive is also the only _working_ mode for Squid-origin
communication. FTP active mode is broken for Squid-origin connections
(and has been broken for many years IIRC).
Native FTP proxy (that Amos has mentioned in his response) supports both
passive and active FTP client-Squid connections. The ftp_passive
directive has no effect on those FTP client-Squid connections. Native
FTP proxy suffers from the same "active mode does not work" problem
mentioned above as far as Squid-origin connections are concerned.
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