On 15/10/17 10:02, Klaus Tachtler wrote:
Hi Amos,
On 14/10/17 04:40, Klaus Tachtler wrote:>
Why I'm on a loop between splash page and accept page?
You have two *separate* active (-a) session contexts going on
simultaneously. They are both fighting over the session database.
Oh my god, to delete "-a" on the "session_active_def" was the solution.
I was searching hours and hours for that!
Thank you so much for the simple line you wrote to me!
If that is the only change you made it is still not solved either, your
sessions will never end.
You need *one* session. You get to pick active or passive:
* Active has specific ACLs for LOGIN/LOGOUT/test.
- for when the clicked URL just *has* to be the specific one.
* Passive has only one ACL for atomic test+login.
- for when either click OR refresh OR any other page fetch is enough
to continue.
- every test of the ACL updates the session timestamp not to expire.
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