On 19.03.17 11:08, Alex Rousskov wrote:
On 03/18/2017 11:11 PM, senor wrote:
There are many references in the squid wiki, FAQ and Knowlegebase about
SMP but I don't see any of them reflecting the concerns you have brought
There is a paragraph about these problems at [1] (search for "ufs") but
I agree that better documentation, including wiki and
squid.conf.documented changes/additions would be nice.
[1] http://wiki.squid-cache.org/Features/SmpScale
My point in mentioning that there are a lot of installations using
SMP and AUFS is that something widely used but buggy tends to be brought
up on this email list and I haven't seen it.
IIRC, it has been brought up several times on the mailing lists and in
Bugzilla. Once you dedicate each ufs-based store to each individual
worker, most of the problems become subtle, often "invisible" to an
admin because they "break" transactions, not Squid, especially if you do
not use a mixture of ufs-based and rock stores. Using mailing list as an
indicator that as subtle problem does _not_ exist is a risky strategy IMO.
Well, I personally will still be curious how much does SMP affect the case of
one worker and one or more diskers...
do diskers only provide I/O to the requestor?
Matus UHLAR - fantomas, uhlar@xxxxxxxxxxx ; http://www.fantomas.sk/
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