On 11.01.17 18:20, Rahat Ali Khan wrote:
We are using Squid 3.5.14 on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS. The squid is using 4
worker process and is used as an explicit and intercept proxy.
We have been facing a problem of squid processes consuming the memory
gradually and eventually it comes to a minimum threshold. The end
user browsing experience becomes extremely slow at that time. Cache
memory configured is 2 GB and total memory of squid machines is 8 and
16 GB on different boxes. The memory consumption graphs shows a
gradual decrease in available physical RAM and we have to ultimately
restart the squid boxed after 3-4 days.
I would like to note that squid does not use memory only for cache, but for
many different uses.
do you use shared memory cache?
Matus UHLAR - fantomas, uhlar@xxxxxxxxxxx ; http://www.fantomas.sk/
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