Em 12/07/2016 23:43, Alex Rousskov
The squid won't send a Range: header to the server because the request is matching the range_offset_limit -1 ACL. I presume. So squid will try to fetch the file from the beginning, faking a full request, right? Well, if I turn off collapsed_forwarding and try to GET the same file on the same server in a row (only changing the Range), it will create two connections to the server instead of only one. I use "override-expire ignore-private ignore-no-store ignore-reload ignore-must-revalidate store-stale" for this particular request, won't it override the no-cache or whatever? Beyond that, you would have to do detailed traffic analysis (packet captures; ALL,2; ALL,9). I use tcpdump rather frequently. -- Best Regards, Heiler Bemerguy Network Manager - CINBESA 55 91 98151-4894/3184-1751 |
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