Hey Mumin,
What do you need from the db?
If you need a blacklist I can offer you to use SquidBlocker which I wrote:
The DB is not fully documented but it works under a very heavy load and
seems to give good results.
On 15/09/2015 12:23, Mumin Coder wrote:
I want to make some kind of safe transparent proxy using ubuntu, squid, icap or ecap, database (MongoDB or MySql) and XSS prevention module. I want to be able to inspect URL and javascript/xml inside web page with my sandboxed module (javascript engine) which will be connected to squid and database using content adaptation. I want to make it optimal when it comes to processing/analysing of requested webpage. Thus I want to use database in order to store visited safe or unsafe URLs and javascript code. Currently I am using Greasyspoon as ICAP server, which I am adapting to my needs. I am not sure which database should I use to fit my needs and how to connect/configure it?
Thank you in advance.
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