I am faced with a weird situation with an external acl that I have built. external_acl_type grpname ttl=10 children-startup=1 concurrency=1 %SRC %ACL /usr/local/squid/libexec/grpname_helper
acl two external grpname
acl twoext urlpath_regex "/usr/local/squid/etc/custom/blacklisted-two-extensions"
deny_info two
http_access deny twoext two
2015/03/28 20:11:30.831 kid1| external_acl.cc(868) aclMatchExternal: grpname(" two") = lookup needed
2015/03/28 20:11:30.831 kid1| external_acl.cc(871) aclMatchExternal: " two": queueing a call.
2015/03/28 20:11:30.831 kid1| external_acl.cc(1453) Start: fg lookup in 'grpname' for ' two'
2015/03/28 20:11:30.832 kid1| external_acl.cc(1508) Start: externalAclLookup: looking up for ' two' in 'grpname'.
2015/03/28 20:11:30.832 kid1| helper.cc(1208) GetFirstAvailable: GetFirstAvailable: Running servers 1
2015/03/28 20:11:30.832 kid1| AsyncCall.cc(18) AsyncCall: The AsyncCall helperDispatchWriteDone constructed, this=0x9db91e8 [call2903]
2015/03/28 20:11:30.832 kid1| Write.cc(29) Write: local=[::] remote=[::] FD 22 flags=1: sz 20: asynCall 0x9db91e8*1
2015/03/28 20:11:30.832 kid1| ModEpoll.cc(139) SetSelect: FD 22, type=2, handler=1, client_data=0x970522c, timeout=0
2015/03/28 20:11:30.832 kid1| helper.cc(1350) helperDispatch: helperDispatch: Request sent to grpname #Hlpr0, 18 bytes
2015/03/28 20:11:30.833 kid1| external_acl.cc(1518) Start: externalAclLookup: will wait for the result of ' two' in 'grpname' (ch=0x985f400).
2015/03/28 20:11:30.833 kid1| external_acl.cc(874) aclMatchExternal: " two": return -1.
2015/03/28 20:11:30.833 kid1| Acl.cc(177) matches: checked: two = -1 async
2015/03/28 20:11:30.833 kid1| Acl.cc(177) matches: checked: http_access#1 = -1 async
2015/03/28 20:11:30.833 kid1| Acl.cc(177) matches: checked: http_access = -1 async
2015/03/28 20:11:30.834 kid1| Write.cc(60) HandleWrite: local=[::] remote=[::] FD 22 flags=1: off 0, sz 20.
2015/03/28 20:11:30.834 kid1| Write.cc(100) HandleWrite: write() returns 20
2015/03/28 20:11:30.834 kid1| IoCallback.cc(108) finish: called for local=[::] remote=[::] FD 22 flags=1 (0, 0)
2015/03/28 20:11:30.834 kid1| AsyncCall.cc(85) ScheduleCall: IoCallback.cc(127) will call helperDispatchWriteDone(local=[::] remote=[::] FD 22 flags=1, errno=11, data="" size=20, buf=0x9c9e148) [call2903]
2015/03/28 20:11:30.834 kid1| AsyncCallQueue.cc(51) fireNext: entering helperDispatchWriteDone(local=[::] remote=[::] FD 22 flags=1, errno=11, data="" size=20, buf=0x9c9e148)
2015/03/28 20:11:30.835 kid1| AsyncCall.cc(30) make: make call helperDispatchWriteDone [call2903]
2015/03/28 20:11:30.835 kid1| AsyncCallQueue.cc(53) fireNext: leaving helperDispatchWriteDone(local=[::] remote=[::] FD 22 flags=1, errno=11, data="" size=20, buf=0x9c9e148)
2015/03/28 20:11:30.835 kid1| ModEpoll.cc(139) SetSelect: FD 22, type=2, handler=0, client_data=0, timeout=0
2015/03/28 20:11:30.902 kid1| comm.cc(138) commHandleRead: comm_read_try: FD 22, size 4095, retval 4, errno 0
2015/03/28 20:11:30.902 kid1| IoCallback.cc(108) finish: called for local=[::] remote=[::] FD 22 flags=1 (0, 0)
2015/03/28 20:11:30.902 kid1| AsyncCall.cc(85) ScheduleCall: IoCallback.cc(127) will call helperHandleRead(local=[::] remote=[::] FD 22 flags=1, data="" size=4, buf=0x9aa1508) [call980]
2015/03/28 20:11:30.902 kid1| AsyncCallQueue.cc(51) fireNext: entering helperHandleRead(local=[::] remote=[::] FD 22 flags=1, data="" size=4, buf=0x9aa1508)
2015/03/28 20:11:30.902 kid1| AsyncCall.cc(30) make: make call helperHandleRead [call980]
2015/03/28 20:11:30.903 kid1| helper.cc(906) helperHandleRead: helperHandleRead: 4 bytes from grpname #Hlpr0
2015/03/28 20:11:30.903 kid1| helper.cc(932) helperHandleRead: helperHandleRead: end of reply found
2015/03/28 20:11:30.903 kid1| HelperReply.cc(23) parse: Parsing helper buffer
2015/03/28 20:11:30.903 kid1| HelperReply.cc(42) parse: Buff length is larger than 2
2015/03/28 20:11:30.903 kid1| HelperReply.cc(46) parse: helper Result = OK
2015/03/28 20:11:30.903 kid1| external_acl.cc(1375) externalAclHandleReply: reply={result=OK}
2015/03/28 20:11:30.904 kid1| external_acl.cc(1290) external_acl_cache_add: external_acl_cache_add: Adding ' two' = ALLOWED
2015/03/28 20:11:54.422 kid1| Acl.cc(157) matches: checking two
2015/03/28 20:11:54.423 kid1| external_acl.cc(868) aclMatchExternal: grpname(" two") = lookup needed
2015/03/28 20:11:54.423 kid1| external_acl.cc(871) aclMatchExternal: " two": queueing a call.
2015/03/28 20:11:54.423 kid1| external_acl.cc(1453) Start: fg lookup in 'grpname' for ' two'
2015/03/28 20:11:54.423 kid1| external_acl.cc(1508) Start: externalAclLookup: looking up for ' two' in 'grpname'.
2015/03/28 20:11:54.423 kid1| helper.cc(1208) GetFirstAvailable: GetFirstAvailable: Running servers 1
2015/03/28 20:11:54.423 kid1| AsyncCall.cc(18) AsyncCall: The AsyncCall helperDispatchWriteDone constructed, this=0xa0505f0 [call4372]
2015/03/28 20:11:54.424 kid1| Write.cc(29) Write: local=[::] remote=[::] FD 22 flags=1: sz 20: asynCall 0xa0505f0*1
2015/03/28 20:11:54.424 kid1| ModEpoll.cc(139) SetSelect: FD 22, type=2, handler=1, client_data=0x970522c, timeout=0
2015/03/28 20:11:54.424 kid1| helper.cc(1350) helperDispatch: helperDispatch: Request sent to grpname #Hlpr0, 18 bytes
2015/03/28 20:11:54.424 kid1| external_acl.cc(1518) Start: externalAclLookup: will wait for the result of ' two' in 'grpname' (ch=0x985f400).
2015/03/28 20:11:54.424 kid1| external_acl.cc(874) aclMatchExternal: " two": return -1.
2015/03/28 20:11:54.425 kid1| Acl.cc(177) matches: checked: two = -1 async
2015/03/28 20:11:54.425 kid1| Acl.cc(177) matches: checked: http_access#1 = -1 async
2015/03/28 20:11:54.425 kid1| Acl.cc(177) matches: checked: http_access = -1 async
2015/03/28 20:11:54.425 kid1| Write.cc(60) HandleWrite: local=[::] remote=[::] FD 22 flags=1: off 0, sz 20.
2015/03/28 20:11:54.425 kid1| Write.cc(100) HandleWrite: write() returns 20
2015/03/28 20:11:54.426 kid1| IoCallback.cc(108) finish: called for local=[::] remote=[::] FD 22 flags=1 (0, 0)
2015/03/28 20:11:54.426 kid1| AsyncCall.cc(85) ScheduleCall: IoCallback.cc(127) will call helperDispatchWriteDone(local=[::] remote=[::] FD 22 flags=1, errno=11, data="" size=20, buf=0x9c9e148) [call4372]
2015/03/28 20:11:54.426 kid1| AsyncCallQueue.cc(51) fireNext: entering helperDispatchWriteDone(local=[::] remote=[::] FD 22 flags=1, errno=11, data="" size=20, buf=0x9c9e148)
2015/03/28 20:11:54.426 kid1| AsyncCall.cc(30) make: make call helperDispatchWriteDone [call4372]
2015/03/28 20:11:54.426 kid1| AsyncCallQueue.cc(53) fireNext: leaving helperDispatchWriteDone(local=[::] remote=[::] FD 22 flags=1, errno=11, data="" size=20, buf=0x9c9e148)
2015/03/28 20:11:54.427 kid1| comm.cc(138) commHandleRead: comm_read_try: FD 22, size 4094, retval 4, errno 0
2015/03/28 20:11:54.427 kid1| IoCallback.cc(108) finish: called for local=[::] remote=[::] FD 22 flags=1 (0, 0)
2015/03/28 20:11:54.427 kid1| AsyncCall.cc(85) ScheduleCall: IoCallback.cc(127) will call helperHandleRead(local=[::] remote=[::] FD 22 flags=1, data="" size=4, buf=0x9aa1509) [call2905]
2015/03/28 20:11:54.427 kid1| ModEpoll.cc(139) SetSelect: FD 22, type=2, handler=0, client_data=0, timeout=0
2015/03/28 20:11:54.427 kid1| AsyncCallQueue.cc(51) fireNext: entering helperHandleRead(local=[::] remote=[::] FD 22 flags=1, data="" size=4, buf=0x9aa1509)
2015/03/28 20:11:54.428 kid1| AsyncCall.cc(30) make: make call helperHandleRead [call2905]
2015/03/28 20:11:54.428 kid1| helper.cc(906) helperHandleRead: helperHandleRead: 4 bytes from grpname #Hlpr0
write(19, "0 two\n", 20) = 20
gettimeofday({1427556227, 22424}, NULL) = 0
epoll_wait(6, {{EPOLLOUT, {u32=19, u64=13821314555071954963}}}, 4096, 201) = 1
gettimeofday({1427556227, 22698}, NULL) = 0
epoll_ctl(6, EPOLL_CTL_MOD, 19, {EPOLLIN|EPOLLERR|EPOLLHUP, {u32=19, u64=586827630829895699}}) = 0
gettimeofday({1427556227, 22772}, NULL) = 0
epoll_wait(6, {{EPOLLIN, {u32=19, u64=586827630829895699}}}, 4096, 201) = 1
gettimeofday({1427556227, 22854}, NULL) = 0
read(19, "OK\n\0", 4095) = 4
write(19, "0 two\n", 20) = 20
gettimeofday({1427556242, 856906}, NULL) = 0
epoll_wait(6, {{EPOLLOUT, {u32=19, u64=13821314555071954963}}}, 4096, 388) = 1
gettimeofday({1427556242, 857085}, NULL) = 0
epoll_ctl(6, EPOLL_CTL_MOD, 19, {EPOLLIN|EPOLLERR|EPOLLHUP, {u32=19, u64=586827630829895699}}) = 0
gettimeofday({1427556242, 857175}, NULL) = 0
epoll_wait(6, {{EPOLLIN, {u32=19, u64=586827630829895699}}}, 4096, 388) = 1
gettimeofday({1427556242, 857250}, NULL) = 0
read(19, "OK\n\0", 4094) = 4
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