On 18/03/15 08:06, Amos Jeffries wrote:
On 19/03/2015 5:57 a.m., snakeeyes wrote:
I need help in blocking images that has size less than 40 KB
Use the Squid provided access controls to manage access to things.
You should know that you cannot evaluate the response size using
only the request data. So to acchieve what you want, data from the reply
must be considered as well, the response size for example.
Images can be identified by the presence of '.jpg' or '.png' on the
request URL, but images can be generated on-the-fly by scripts as well,
so you wont see those extensions all the time. In that case, analyzing
replies mime headers can be usefull as well, the reply mime type having
'image' is a great indication that we're receiving an image.
Put all that together and you'll acchieve the rules you want to.
But keep in mind that you'll probably break A LOT of sites who 'slices'
images, background images, menus and all sort of things. I would call
that a VERY bad idea, but can be acchieved with a few rules.
Atenciosamente / Sincerily,
Leonardo Rodrigues
Solutti Tecnologia
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