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squid: Memory utilization higher than expected since moving from 3.3 to 3.4 and Vary: working

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We have found out that since we moved from squid 3.3 to 3.4.3 (and the corresponding Vary)  the memory utilization of squid has increased.
It is 10GB right now 9.6G in memory, but we have only configured 4GB for in Memory caching.

Here the ps line:
squid    17695 10.9 61.2 10629864 10001520 ?   Rl   Apr21 12131:59 (squid-1) -f /opt/squid/squid.conf

Any Ideas what that could be? See below the fine details from mgr:...

BTW: I know it is not the latest version, but I am unsure if there have been any fixes for this behavior in a later version...


P.s: the relevant config-section for memory settings:

# define the memory cache as 4GB
cache_mem 4096 MB

# and in memory sizes for single objects:
maximum_object_size 32 KB
maximum_object_size_in_memory 32 KB

# define a disk cache (preferably on ram-disk to avoid IOs)
cache_dir aufs /var/spool/squid/ 8192 16 256

here the infos from:

Squid Object Cache: Version 3.4.3
Build Info:
Start Time:     Mon, 21 Apr 2014 08:31:27 GMT
Current Time:   Mon, 07 Jul 2014 08:21:22 GMT
Connection information for squid:
        Number of clients accessing cache:      0
        Number of HTTP requests received:       998061101
        Number of ICP messages received:        0
        Number of ICP messages sent:    0
        Number of queued ICP replies:   0
        Number of HTCP messages received:       0
        Number of HTCP messages sent:   0
        Request failure ratio:   0.00
        Average HTTP requests per minute since start:   9002.1
        Average ICP messages per minute since start:    0.0
        Select loop called: 7233613675 times, 0.920 ms avg
Cache information for squid:
        Hits as % of all requests:      5min: 40.8%, 60min: 45.5%
        Hits as % of bytes sent:        5min: 50.7%, 60min: 51.6%
        Memory hits as % of hit requests:       5min: 72.6%, 60min: 74.9%
        Disk hits as % of hit requests: 5min: 1.8%, 60min: 2.0%
        Storage Swap size:      7549744 KB
        Storage Swap capacity:  90.0% used, 10.0% free
        Storage Mem size:       4153612 KB
        Storage Mem capacity:   99.0% used,  1.0% free
        Mean Object Size:       5.14 KB
        Requests given to unlinkd:      0
Median Service Times (seconds)  5 min    60 min:
        HTTP Requests (All):   0.00179  0.00091
        Cache Misses:          0.27332  0.23230
        Cache Hits:            0.00000  0.00000
        Near Hits:             0.00286  0.00286
        Not-Modified Replies:  0.00000  0.00000
        DNS Lookups:           0.00094  0.00094
        ICP Queries:           0.00000  0.00000
Resource usage for squid:
        UP Time:        6652194.459 seconds
        CPU Time:       727888.282 seconds
        CPU Usage:      10.94%
        CPU Usage, 5 minute avg:        2.76%
        CPU Usage, 60 minute avg:       2.93%
        Process Data Segment Size via sbrk(): 10517816 KB
        Maximum Resident Size: 40036704 KB
        Page faults with physical i/o: 2100678
Memory usage for squid via mallinfo():
        Total space in arena:  -2064964 KB
        Ordinary blocks:       2047465 KB 161900 blks
        Small blocks:               0 KB      0 blks
        Holding blocks:         38432 KB      9 blks
        Free Small blocks:          0 KB
        Free Ordinary blocks:   81875 KB
        Total in use:           81875 KB -4%
        Total free:             81875 KB -4%
        Total size:            -2026532 KB
Memory accounted for:
        Total accounted:       1269447 KB -63%
        memPool accounted:     9658055 KB -477%
        memPool unaccounted:   -11684587 KB  -0%
        memPoolAlloc calls: 507567155336
        memPoolFree calls:  508713005568
File descriptor usage for squid:
        Maximum number of file descriptors:   65536
        Largest file desc currently in use:   1351
        Number of file desc currently in use:  249
        Files queued for open:                   0
        Available number of file descriptors: 65287
        Reserved number of file descriptors:   100
        Store Disk files open:                   0
Internal Data Structures:
        1477933 StoreEntries
        851676 StoreEntries with MemObjects
        851675 Hot Object Cache Items
        1470120 on-disk objects

Current memory usage:
Pool     Obj Size       Chunks                                                  Allocated                                       In UseIdle                     Allocations Saved                       Rate
         (bytes)        KB/ch    obj/ch (#)      used    free    part    %Frag   (#)     (KB)    high (KB)       high (hrs)      %Tot (#)       (KB)    high (KB)       high (hrs)      %alloc (#)      (KB)    high (KB)      (#)      %cnt    %vol   (#)/sec
mem_node                 4136                                                            1038636         4195116         4195359538.01   43.434  1038434         4194300         4195359         538.01  99.981  202     816     1564    695940913       0.137   1.2200.499
4K Buffer                4096                                                            471762  1887048         1916096         61.2219.538   471750  1887000         1916096         61.22   99.997  12      48      3120    986312276       0.194   1.713   0.707
Short Strings              40                                                            20241644        790690  794615  61.01   8.18620241331         790677  794615  61.01   99.998  313     13      841     -2147483648     66.374  5.726   240.914
HttpHeaderEntry            56                                                            9903143         541579  544664  61.01   5.6079902997  541571  544664  61.01   99.999  146     8       551     -2147483648     16.522  1.996   60.070
2K Buffer                2048                                                            238817  477634  724132  967.29  4.945   238800 477600  724132  967.29  99.993  17      34      546     -2147483648     1.566   6.917   5.673
16K Buffer               16384                                                           25372   405952  1106704         1357.164.203    25355   405680  1106704         1357.16         99.933  17      272     4048    268150503       0.053   1.863   0.193
HttpReply                 280                                                            851758  232903  233312  67.89   2.411   851732 232896  233312  67.89   99.997  26      8       138     -2147483648     0.688   0.415   2.495
8K Buffer                8192                                                            27681   221448  275280  1357.54         2.29327679    221432  275280  1357.54         99.993  2       16      312     235405729       0.046   0.818   0.168
MemObject                 240                                                            851740  199627  199973  67.89   2.067   851731 199625  199973  67.89   99.999  9       3       93      492884384       0.097   0.050   0.354
StoreEntry                120                                                            1477969         173200  173405  69.33   1.7931477949  173198  173405  69.33   99.999  20      3       32      448740915       0.088   0.023   0.322
Medium Strings            128                                                            1262162         157771  160057  61.01   1.6331262100  157763  160057  61.01   99.995  62      8       279     -2147483648     4.731   1.306   17.148
cbdata BodyPipe (43)      152                                                            765008  113556  114424  68.08   1.176   765004 113556  114424  68.08   99.999  4       1       34      358799947       0.071   0.023   0.257
HttpHdrCc                  96                                                            769579  72149   72667   59.52   0.747   769566 72147   72667   59.52   99.998  13      2       34      1594117469      0.313   0.065   1.138
LRU policy node            24                                                            2321816         54418   54496   68.09   0.5632321811  54418   54496   68.09   100.000         5       1       12      159292188       0.031   0.002   0.117
cbdata MemBuf (13)         64                                                            851759  53235   53330   67.89   0.551   851734 53234   53330   67.89   99.997  25      2       33      -2147483648     0.923   0.127   3.346
32K Buffer               32768                                                           1603    51296   111520  979.75  0.531   160051200    111520  979.75  99.813  3       96      736     20665690        0.004   0.287   0.015
MD5 digest                 16                                                            1477969         23094   23121   69.33   0.2391477949  23093   23121   69.33   99.999  20      1       5       595307879       0.117   0.004   0.426
Long Strings              512                                                            6736    3368    7858    1063.01         0.0356699     3350    7858    1063.01         99.451  37      19      234     -2147483648     1.034   1.142   3.750
64K Buffer               65536                                                           46      2944    33792   1711.70         0.0300        0       33792   1711.70         0.000   46      2944    32768   -2147483648     0.466   65.894  1.691
acl_ip_data                96                                                            5725    537     537     1848.01         0.0065725     537     537     1848.01         100.000         0       0       1       276     0.000   0.000   0.000
cbdata IdleConnList (16)         4160                                                            51      208     281     1757.200.002    45      183     281     1757.20         88.235  6       25      86      36686446        0.007   0.065   0.026
cbdata clientReplyContext (23)   4320                                                            31      131     1730    1293.490.001    4       17      1730    1293.49         12.903  27      114     1321    995516255       0.196   1.823   0.711
cbdata ClientSocketContext (22)  4256                                                            31      129     1705    1293.490.001    4       17      1705    1293.49         12.903  27      113     1301    995516208       0.196   1.796   0.711
HttpRequest              1768                                                            63      109     1428    1293.49         0.0017        13      1428    1293.49         11.111  56      97      992     -2147483648     0.827   3.153   2.998
cbdata ConnStateData (20)         440                                                            201     87      1259    390.81  0.001171      74      1259    390.81  85.075  30      13      343     528103233       0.104   0.099   0.381
Comm::Connection          192                                                            247     47      591     390.81  0.000   21741       591     390.81  87.854  30      6       171     829565512       0.163   0.068   0.596
ipcache_entry             128                                                            289     37      82      1252.79         0.000288      36      82      1252.79         99.654  1       1       49      821666  0.000   0.000   0.001
cbdata idns_query (9)    8696                                                            3       26      3661    1252.79         0.0000        0       3661    1252.79         0.000   3       26      3346    1134547         0.000   0.004   0.001
Acl::AndNode              136                                                            184     25      25      1848.01         0.000184      25      25      1848.01         100.000         0       0       0       0       0.000   0.000   0.000
MimeEntry                 128                                                            177     23      23      1848.01         0.000177      23      23      1848.01         100.000         0       0       0       0       0.000   0.000   0.000
fqdncache_entry           160                                                            99      16      16      11.53   0.000   9916       16      11.53   100.000         0       0       1       607     0.000   0.000   0.000
cbdata ClientHttpRequest (21)     408                                                            31      13      164     1293.490.000    4       2       164     1293.49         12.903  27      11      125     995516208       0.196   0.172   0.711
4KB Strings              4096                                                            3       12      100     136.37  0.000   00        100     136.37  0.000   3       12      100     4568442         0.001   0.008   0.003
cbdata ServiceRep (15)    344                                                            34      12      12      1848.01         0.00034       12      12      1848.01         100.000         0       0       0       0       0.000   0.000   0.000
cbdata Tree (6)           192                                                            52      10      10      1848.01         0.00052       10      10      1848.01         100.000         0       0       0       0       0.000   0.000   0.000
cbdata ModXact (30)       496                                                            17      9       127     1711.70         0.0000        0       127     1711.70         0.000   17      9       126     1177041017      0.231   0.247   0.839
squidaio_small_bufs      4096                                                            2       8       120     1065.11         0.0000        0       120     1065.11         0.000   2       8       120     60491040        0.012   0.105   0.043
cbdata clientStreamNode (24)      128                                                            62      8       103     1293.490.000    8       1       103     1293.49         12.903  54      7       79      1991032510      0.391   0.108   1.421
cbdata OptXact (32)       312                                                            19      6       11      885.88  0.000   00        11      885.88  0.000   19      6       11      7038032         0.001   0.001   0.005
RegexList                  88                                                            59      6       6       1848.01         0.00059       6       6       1848.01         100.000         0       0       0       0       0.000   0.000   0.000
ACLStrategised            136                                                            38      6       6       1848.01         0.00038       6       6       1848.01         100.000         0       0       0       0       0.000   0.000   0.000
ACLStrategised            136                                                            37      5       5       1848.01         0.00037       5       5       1848.01         100.000         0       0       0       0       0.000   0.000   0.000
HttpHdrScTarget            88                                                            55      5       6       343.75  0.000   555        6       343.75  100.000         0       0       2       149     0.000   0.000   0.000
cbdata Logfile (11)      4192                                                            1       5       5       1848.01         0.0001        5       5       1848.01         100.000         0       0       0       0       0.000   0.000   0.000
cbdata store_client (34)          160                                                            23      4       117     1293.490.000    4       1       117     1293.49         17.391  19      3       76      1290240791      0.254   0.088   0.920
1KB Strings              1024                                                            3       3       55      412.45  0.000   00        55      412.45  0.000   3       3       38      50912098        0.010   0.022   0.037
cbdata HttpStateData (38)         304                                                            9       3       115     1293.490.000    2       1       115     1293.49         22.222  7       3       76      190925179       0.038   0.025   0.137
cbdata Iterator (28)      160                                                            17      3       40      1711.70         0.0000        0       40      1711.70         0.000   17      3       40      1177188448      0.231   0.080   0.839
ACLSourceIP               120                                                            22      3       3       1848.01         0.00022       3       3       1848.01         100.000         0       0       0       0       0.000   0.000   0.000
cbdata ModXactLauncher (29)       152                                                            17      3       38      1711.700.000    0       0       38      1711.70         0.000   17      3       38      1177189213      0.231   0.076   0.839
Acl::NotNode              136                                                            18      3       3       1848.01         0.00018       3       3       1848.01         100.000         0       0       0       0       0.000   0.000   0.000
cbdata AccessCheck (27)   144                                                            17      3       41      1711.69         0.0000        0       41      1711.69         0.000   17      3       41      1177394228      0.231   0.072   0.839
cbdata OptXactLauncher (31)       128                                                            19      3       5       885.88  0.0000        0       5       885.88  0.000   19      3       5       7037587         0.001   0.000   0.005
ev_entry                   48                                                            47      3       3       1831.15         0.00045       3       3       1831.15         95.745  2       1       2       33129146        0.007   0.001   0.024
ACLHTTPHeaderData          48                                                            40      2       2       1848.01         0.00040       2       2       1848.01         100.000         0       0       0       0       0.000   0.000   0.000
cbdata ClientRequestContext (25)          104                                                            18      2       30      1711.70        0.000   0       0       30      1711.70         0.000   18      2       30      988402315       0.194   0.044   0.705
ACLRegexData               16                                                            110     2       2       1848.01         0.000110      2       2       1848.01         100.000         0       0       0       0       0.000   0.000   0.000
cbdata FwdState (36)      168                                                            9       2       65      1293.49         0.0002        1       65      1293.49         22.222  7       2       42      191697095       0.038   0.014   0.137
cbdata ACLFilledChecklist (26)    440                                                            3       2       93      1252.790.000    1       1       93      1252.79         33.333  2       1       85      -2147483648     2.155   2.045   7.805
cbdata ConnOpener (33)    136                                                            6       1       27      1711.70         0.0000        0       27      1711.70         0.000   6       1       27      66249937        0.013   0.004   0.048
cbdata PortCfg (2)        344                                                            2       1       1       1848.01         0.0002        1       1       1848.01         100.000         0       0       0       0       0.000   0.000   0.000
ACLStrategised            136                                                            5       1       1       1848.01         0.0005        1       1       1848.01         100.000         0       0       0       0       0.000   0.000   0.000
aio_thread                 40                                                            16      1       1       1847.93         0.00016       1       1       1847.93         100.000         0       0       0       0       0.000   0.000   0.000
squidaio_micro_bufs       128                                                            5       1       14      1065.11         0.0000        0       14      1065.11         0.000   5       1       14      176721246       0.035   0.010   0.126
aio_ctrl                  112                                                            5       1       13      1065.11         0.0000        0       13      1065.11         0.000   5       1       13      237358432       0.047   0.011   0.169
ACLStrategised            136                                                            4       1       1       1848.01         0.0004        1       1       1848.01         100.000         0       0       0       0       0.000   0.000   0.000
cbdata CbDataList (3)      40                                                            13      1       1       1848.01         0.00013       1       1       1848.01         100.000         0       0       0       0       0.000   0.000   0.000
aio_request               104                                                            5       1       12      1065.11         0.0000        0       12      1065.11         0.000   5       1       12      237365801       0.047   0.010   0.169
cbdata ErrorState (46)    240                                                            2       1       3       1497.43         0.0000        0       3       1497.43         0.000   2       1       3       10391751        0.002   0.001   0.007
ACLStrategised            136                                                            3       1       1       1848.01         0.0003        1       1       1848.01         100.000         0       0       0       0       0.000   0.000   0.000
cbdata CbDataList (1)      40                                                            10      1       1       1848.01         0.00010       1       1       1848.01         100.000         0       0       0       0       0.000   0.000   0.000
cbdata CbDataList (47)     96                                                            4       1       4       1664.29         0.0000        0       4       1664.29         0.000   4       1       4       27953666        0.005   0.001   0.020
acl_name_list              72                                                            5       1       1       1848.01         0.0005        1       1       1848.01         100.000         0       0       0       0       0.000   0.000   0.000
ACLDestinationIP          120                                                            3       1       1       1848.01         0.0003        1       1       1848.01         100.000         0       0       0       0       0.000   0.000   0.000
cbdata UFSStoreState (39)         176                                                            2       1       13      1065.110.000    0       0       13      1065.11         0.000   2       1       13      112646684       0.022   0.008   0.080
ACLDomainData              16                                                            19      1       1       1848.01         0.00019       1       1       1848.01         100.000         0       0       0       0       0.000   0.000   0.000
cbdata CbDataList (4)      64                                                            4       1       1       1848.01         0.0004        1       1       1848.01         100.000         0       0       0       0       0.000   0.000   0.000
cbdata ps_state (37)      248                                                            1       1       1       1835.63         0.0000        0       1       1835.63         0.000   1       1       1       192773573       0.038   0.020   0.137
ACLCertificateData         72                                                            3       1       1       1848.01         0.0003        1       1       1848.01         100.000         0       0       0       0       0.000   0.000   0.000
cbdata RemovalPolicy (7)          104                                                            2       1       1       1848.010.000    2       1       1       1848.01         100.000         0       0       0       0       0.000   0.000   0.000
cbdata StoreSearchHashIndex (18)          104                                                            2       1       1       1848.01        0.000   1       1       1       1848.01         50.000  1       1       1       20      0.000   0.000   0.000
cbdata TcpAcceptor (17)    88                                                            2       1       1       1848.01         0.0002        1       1       1848.01         100.000         0       0       0       0       0.000   0.000   0.000
cbdata DiskThreadsDiskFile (40)    88                                                            2       1       7       1065.110.000    0       0       7       1065.11         0.000   2       1       7       112646684       0.022   0.004   0.080
AclDenyInfoList            32                                                            5       1       1       1848.01         0.0005        1       1       1848.01         100.000         0       0       0       0       0.000   0.000   0.000
HttpHdrRange               32                                                            5       1       3       339.96  0.000   21        3       339.96  40.000  3       1       1       1563142         0.000   0.000   0.001
cbdata ReadRequest (41)    72                                                            2       1       3       1065.11         0.0000        0       3       1065.11         0.000   2       1       3       60491040        0.012   0.002   0.043
ACLStrategised            136                                                            1       1       1       1848.01         0.0001        1       1       1848.01         100.000         0       0       0       0       0.000   0.000   0.000
UFSStoreState::_queued_write       32                                                            4       1       3       1428.470.000    0       0       3       1428.47         0.000   4       1       3       134435143       0.026   0.002   0.096
HttpHdrContRange           24                                                            5       1       2       1664.29         0.0000        0       2       1664.29         0.000   5       1       2       792627  0.000   0.000   0.001
ACLStringData              16                                                            6       1       1       1848.01         0.0006        1       1       1848.01         100.000         0       0       0       0       0.000   0.000   0.000
ACLSslErrorData            16                                                            6       1       1       1848.01         0.0006        1       1       1848.01         100.000         0       0       0       0       0.000   0.000   0.000
cbdata generic_cbdata (35)         32                                                            3       1       14      1252.790.000    0       0       14      1252.79         0.000   3       1       13      65234012        0.013   0.001   0.047
UFSStoreState::_queued_read        40                                                            2       1       2       1065.110.000    0       0       2       1065.11         0.000   2       1       2       46057286        0.009   0.001   0.033
cbdata IoResult (42)       40                                                            2       1       2       1065.11         0.0000        0       2       1065.11         0.000   2       1       2       60491040        0.012   0.001   0.043
cbdata WriteRequest (44)           80                                                            1       1       1       1847.930.000    0       0       1       1847.93         0.000   1       1       1       134753572       0.026   0.005   0.096
HttpHdrRangeSpec           16                                                            5       1       2       339.96  0.000   21        2       339.96  40.000  3       1       1       1563133         0.000   0.000   0.001
ACLUserData                24                                                            3       1       1       1848.01         0.0003        1       1       1848.01         100.000         0       0       0       0       0.000   0.000   0.000
StoreSwapLogData           72                                                            1       1       1       1848.01         0.0000        0       1       1848.01         0.000   1       1       1       129809816       0.026   0.004   0.092
cbdata RemovalPurgeWalker (19)     72                                                            1       1       1       1848.010.000    0       0       1       1848.01         0.000   1       1       1       7712019         0.002   0.000   0.006
ACLMethodData              16                                                            4       1       1       1848.01         0.0004        1       1       1848.01         100.000         0       0       0       0       0.000   0.000   0.000
link_list                  16                                                            4       1       2       1065.11         0.0000        0       2       1065.11         0.000   4       1       2       180627075       0.036   0.001   0.129
dwrite_q                   48                                                            1       1       1       1848.01         0.0000        0       1       1848.01         0.000   1       1       1       264625573       0.052   0.005   0.188
ACLNoteData                40                                                            1       1       1       1848.01         0.0001        1       1       1848.01         100.000         0       0       0       0       0.000   0.000   0.000
cbdata CbDataList (5)      40                                                            1       1       1       1848.01         0.0001        1       1       1848.01         100.000         0       0       0       0       0.000   0.000   0.000
cbdata IoResult (45)       40                                                            1       1       1       1847.93         0.0000        0       1       1847.93         0.000   1       1       1       134753572       0.026   0.002   0.096
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