On 2014-07-05 21:29, Mark jensen wrote:
I have deploy Transparent proxy using this tutorials:
on L3 switch:
on centos 6.5 box ( squid ):
when I request the web page from one client, It returns to me, so I
thought that transparent proxy works fine.
but the problem is that I can't find any records in the "access.log"
file, so it seems that the client get the page from the server
1- Is the problem that squid doesn't log when it is in a transparent
Nope. Squid log what you have permitted or requested to log regardless
of the type/mode of input.
2- Or is the client get the page directly from the server( if so, how
can I add a rule to the Iptables or an access list to forbid the
client from getting the page directly from the server) ?
Seems to be this. And yes you can:
* in the "filter" table deny access to port 80, except make sure that
Squid can still fetch from port 80.