Check whether your browser goes through squid or not?
You can find this by using the url:
If your browser goes through squid then the above url shows that the
"proxy detected" column. Eventhough your access log is not shown
anything then let us know your squid.conf file so that
we will check the issue and help you out.
If it is not going through squid then let us know your iptables rules.
Visolve Squid Support Team
On 7/5/2014 2:59 PM, Mark jensen wrote:
I have deploy Transparent proxy using this tutorials:
on L3 switch:
on centos 6.5 box ( squid ):
when I request the web page from one client, It returns to me, so I thought that transparent proxy works fine.
but the problem is that I can't find any records in the "access.log" file, so it seems that the client get the page from the server directly.
1- Is the problem that squid doesn't log when it is in a transparent mode?
2- Or is the client get the page directly from the server( if so, how can I add a rule to the Iptables or an access list to forbid the client from getting the page directly from the server) ?