I wonder if some of you can help me in figuring out an issue. For the last three years, we've had a Squid Reverse Proxy running on Oracle Linux 5 (64 bit) with version 2.6 of Squid (which came with the distro) and it's been a total success and never missed a beat. Now, I realised that this version is getting old so I thought I would install a more recent version and get some more features as well, I installed the 32 bit version of Eliezer's 3.4.3 RPM and managed to get everything back up an running successfully. However, when I was testing this environment I noticed that every so often in the log I got a FATAL: Received Segment Violation...dying. message and then Squid just stopped responding. So, I then decided to build a version 6 version of Oracle Linux instance and then install the 64 bit 3.4.3 RPM on it, copying over all of the config and certficates. Now I've got a new problem, although Squid now starts successfully when I only put http_port into the squid.conf, when I add https_port entries I get the following message; FATAL: No valid signing SSL certificate configured for https_port 10.x.x.95:443 and Squid terminates. Does anyone know why I'm getting this issue? Would it be because in moving from OEL 5 to OEL 6 I've also moved from OpenSSL 0.98 to OpenSSL 1.0 and the certificate formats are now different or is it something else? All help greatly appreciated. John