hi all , im asking about memeory caching now we know that we have restirction with smp rock to 32 k , whiuch result a poor bw utilization now what about memory object size ? is is also 332 k ? i mean if i get a server and depened on ram and have 128G ram , and dont want to use hardsisks does in this case we still have 32 k object size max in ram ?? what is the best implementation for smp with rock with aufs so that we have max bw utilization and max hit ratio ? regards ----- Dr.x -- View this message in context: http://squid-web-proxy-cache.1019090.n4.nabble.com/question-about-large-rock-tp4664469p4664768.html Sent from the Squid - Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.