Could someone give me a breakdown of how these work? I have read on the squid configuration, but want to make sure I am understanding them correctly. The reading was a bit over my head. I was setting up qlproxy and trying to completely understand them. Here is what is in that config: icap_service qlproxy1 reqmod_precache bypass=0 icap:// icap_service qlproxy2 respmod_precache bypass=0 icap:// acl qlproxy_icap_edomains dstdomain "/etc/opt/quintolabs/qlproxy/squid/icap_exclusions_domains.conf" acl qlproxy_icap_etypes rep_mime_type "/etc/opt/quintolabs/qlproxy/squid/icap_exclusions_contenttypes.conf" adaptation_access qlproxy1 deny qlproxy_icap_edomains adaptation_access qlproxy2 deny qlproxy_icap_edomains adaptation_access qlproxy2 deny qlproxy_icap_etypes adaptation_access qlproxy1 allow all adaptation_access qlproxy2 allow all I know lines 3 and 4 are just the list of flat text domains and such. I assume the adaptation_access means to use icap service instead of Squid doing the acl? I guess reqmod is the request for something and respmod is the response. Why are the edomains blocked on both qlproxy1 and qlproxy2 and the mimes are only blocked on qlproxy2? I would just like a simple broken down version of what those first tow icap_service lines actually do I guess and maybe that will help me totally understand. Thanks. -- Scott Mayo Mayo's Pioneer Seeds PH: 573-568-3235 CE: 573-614-2138