Hi list,
I am trying to compile squid 3.3.11 in our openembedded
environment, but the configure step fails due to a cross compile check.
In version 3.1.23 there wasn't those checks and the build goes well...
So my questions are:
1) why from version 3.2 these checks are included in configure?
2) are there any way to cross compile 3.3 (or 3.4)?
3) I read in the FAQ that from version 3.2 C++11 compilers is required,
I am using gcc 4.7.2, is it a supported compiler?
Thanks in advance,
*Stefano Cordibella*
EDALab s.r.l. - Networked Embedded Systems
Strada Le Grazie, 15 - 37134 Verona - Italy
email : stefano.cordibella@xxxxxxxxx
skype : stefano.cordibella
tel. : +39 045 802 70 85
web : www.edalab.it