On 1/11/2013 2:45 a.m., Matteo De Lazzari wrote:
Uhm, I cannot understand. The user and computer that you found is the current logged in windows user . It's a local user. If I want to use the browser, a login box appear. So i try to insert the domain credential in the form domain\username and the password. After i click on the ok button, on the log i find that the user that squid are trying to authenticate is the local logged in user and not just the user which I inserted. Have you any idea of what's the cause of this behaviour?
Popup from the browser is supposed to be a *last resort* action to locate credentials. They first try any other sources of credentials that can be found.
I expect if you look deeply you will see that the browser is sending the NTLM local machine credentials over first, then only displaying that popup when that NO_SUCH_USER causes them to fail. At least that is what is supposed to be happening.