hi , this is a general networking question about DNS , my question is as shown : now assume im a pc have ip , gateway , DNS configured on my lan card , now assume i requested Google.com , as i learned in networking ==> Google.com is send to my dns server so that DNS server resolve it to ip after it is resolved i will go to dst ip of google with dst port 80 , assume it is "80" http :) assume there was transparent squid between google.com and internet , it mean i will go to that squid cache and be served . but my question again , why squid can resolve DNS queries ?????? as i understand it is not a squid work to resolve names to ips , it is work of DNS servers , so why in squid we have dns configs ?? is it mandatory to put DNS in some occasions ??? wish to know them if there were note i use WCCP with Tptoxy . regards ----- Mr.Ahmad -- View this message in context: http://squid-web-proxy-cache.1019090.n4.nabble.com/General-Question-in-DNS-with-squid-tp4661528.html Sent from the Squid - Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.