Sure. You will require, probably, at least 4 workers to handle this
Mbps load comfortably. Assuming it is 100% HTTP traffic.
I tried to setup rock file:
cache_dir rock /u02/rock 30000 max-size=20000
but when squid starts it has permission problems...
FATAL: Rock cache_dir at /u02/rock/rock failed to open db file: (2) No
such file or directory
Squid Cache (Version 3.3.8): Terminated abnormally.
Of course the file is present and created by squid -z
ll /u02/rock/rock
-rw------- 1 nobody nobody 31457280000 Jul 17 15:17 /u02/rock/rock
Tried to enable SMP with workers 8 but when squid starts I get errors:
2013/07/17 15:31:36 kid5| commBind: Cannot bind socket FD 10 to [::]:
(13) Permission denied
So I had to switch back to "standard" squid 3.3.8