Hi all, I'm writing for a small problem. I have a squid instance (3.3.6) with differents parents: cache_peer host11.domain.com parent 8084 0 proxy-only no-query sourcehash round-robin connect-timeout=10 connect-fail-limit=3 cache_peer host12.domain.com parent 8084 0 proxy-only no-query sourcehash round-robin connect-timeout=10 connect-fail-limit=3 cache_peer host21.domain.com parent 9090 0 proxy-only no-query cache_peer host31.domain.com parent 8080 0 proxy-only no-query sourcehash round-robin connect-timeout=10 connect-fail-limit=3 cache_peer host32.domain.com parent 8080 0 proxy-only no-query sourcehash round-robin connect-timeout=10 connect-fail-limit=3 To route the requests to the right parent and to make acls I include external files (include .......file1.conf). After all the inclusion and some other general settings (squid.conf) I close access to peers: cache_peer_access host11.domain.com parent deny all cache_peer_access host12.domain.com parent deny all cache_peer_access host21.domain.com parent deny all cache_peer_access host31.domain.com parent deny all cache_peer_access host32.domain.com parent deny all The includes files look like (just the allow part): http_access allow srcservers1 todomains1 http_access allow srcservers2 todomains2 cache_peer_access host11.domain.com allow todomains1 cache_peer_access host12.domain.com allow todomains2 cache_peer_access host11.domain.com allow todomains1 cache_peer_access host12.domain.com allow todomains2 In general this solution work great but I've just found out that some rules doesn't work. By debugging a little bit I've discovered the the problem is an include file (as the one just described) that use destination acls with IPs: if todomains1 is something like "acl todomains1 dstdomain www.sample.com" the "cache_peer_access host11.domain.com allow todomains1" works correctly if todomains1 is something like "acl toibmhmc dst" the "cache_peer_access host11.domain.com allow todomains1" doesn't work and all the directives of cache_peer_access that follows doesn't working. Has someone any idea ? Kind regards, Daniel