On 20/06/2013 5:26 p.m., Tom Tom wrote:
Hi In the cache.log (squid 3.3.4), I sometimes get some "abandoning"-messages like: abandoning local=172.xx.xx.xx:3128 remote=10.xx.xx.xx:52548 FD 35 flags=1 It seems, that this message only appers with https resp. CONNECT-Requests. What could be a reason for this "abandoning"-message? How can I prevent them?
We are still trying to figure out the exact causes of these. They can occur from a few potential reasons. Something strange has gone on while parsing a request. My own suspicion is that they are the result of CONNECT request being parsed, processed and responded to (DENIED or an auth challenge are usually the last thing seen on these connections) within a single call to the parser.
These do not appear to be worth worrying much over but if you are interested in contributing to a smoother running Squid some assistance figuring out how your partiular ones are occuring is welcome.