Hi, I've been struggling to get a Splash page going. Actually, the issue is not getting a redirect to page the working. It's escaping from the redirection loop. After quite a bit of searching I narrowed it down to the session.db file not being written. A db_dump shows no contents until I either force reconfigure or shutdown. This excludes permission issues. I've also checked that a forced fs sync (using the sync binary) does not cause the contents to be written, so it seems that Squid itself is holding the contents. I looked thru the configure options, but don't see anything that might influence this. OS: Ubuntu 13.04 Desktop Squid: 3.3.5 Config: ./configure --with-logdir=/var/log/squid3 --prefix=/usr/local/squid --sysconfdir=/etc/squid3 --enable-ssl --enable-ssl-crtd The Squid session bit: external_acl_type splash_page ttl=60 concurrency=100 %SRC /usr/local/squid/libexec/ext_session_acl -t 7200 -b /usr/local/squid/lib/session.db Everything works as expected when I force the write, so the rest of the config seems to work OK. Suggestions on what the issue might be as most welcome! Tx for reading Bas