On 20/05/2013 11:54 p.m., Delton wrote:
The problem was --cond 'enabled=1'. Without it worked.
??? then your test which used it should have failed as well.
Em 18/05/2013 00:38, Amos Jeffries escreveu:
On 18/05/2013 6:49 a.m., Delton wrote:
Dear guys,
I'm testing in MySql authentication via 'basic_db_auth'.
I ran the test and it worked:
/lib/squid3/basic_db_auth --user squid --password password --md5
--cond 'enabled=1' --persis
testuser test
But in the Squid error is returned:
2013/05/17 15:43:17.868 kid1| UserRequest.cc(66) start:
auth_user_request '0x8fa6478'
2013/05/17 15:43:17.868 kid1| UserRequest.cc(86) module_start:
2013/05/17 15:43:17.868 kid1| UserRequest.cc(144) HandleReply: {ERR
unknown login}
Any idea?
Try --debug on the helper. It is a query lookup failure for some reason.