Hallo, Amos, Du meintest am 18.05.13: >> I have enabled squidGuard within a huge network. [...] > What are you using squidGuard for anyway? There are 2 different options/decisions: a) using "redirect"/"rewrite" (as "squidGuard" and "ufdbguard" do) or using the "squid" options "acl" and "http_access" (as "squidblacklist" does) b) using a long time maintained blacklist (p.e. shallalist or squidguard.mesd.k12.or.us/blacklists.tgz) or a newer one (as "squidblacklist" does) and/or using self made lists and/or using lists from some other places Using blacklists is (especially in schools) a job with many legal implications; people who use them should at least have a "good feeling". And using something like "squidguard" gives such a "good feeling" - even when such a program may be technically ugly. But the teacher who uses it as a helper has to explain this helper to many parents, and sometimes he/she has to epxlain it to a court of justice (but he never has to explain it to programmers etc). Yes - I know how to circumvent (? - please excuse my gerlish) such filters like squidguard. Viele Gruesse! Helmut