On 15/05/2013 1:28 a.m., Claudio ML wrote:
Hello all, A big problem with Squid 3.2.6 and wbinfo_group.pl.
NOTE: 3.2 does not ship with "wbinfo_group.pl" any longer. The 3.2 script is named "ext_wbinfo_group_acl".
When the script is called, i got this on log: 2013/05/14 15:17:25| externalAclLookup: 'chkgrp' queue overload (ch=0x7fe832dab308) Significant parts of my squid.conf are: external_acl_type chkgrp children=15 ttl=0 %LOGIN /usr/sbin/wbinfo_group.pl -d acl libero external chkgrp "navlibera" http_access allow libero all The strange thing is i don't have any debug of wbinfo_group.pl -d on the logs, only the line reported above. If i try to use manually the wbinfo_group.pl script it works as aspected: echo "domain\utente navlibera" | /usr/sbin/wbinfo_group.pl -d Debugging mode ON. Got domain\navlibera from squid User: -domain\utente- Group: -navlibera- SID: -S-1-5-21-449068364-4053775113-1626773979-32150- GID: -4031- Sending OK to squid OK What can be? I don't know what to try already... is so a strange problem. Another problem with a previous version on Squid works correctly.
The 3.2 helpers bang-line (#!/usr/sbin/perl -w) is now set during build time instead of hard-coded to /usr/sbin/perl, and the helper is renamed to ext_wbinfo_group_acl. There are no other code related changes since 2010.
Is your test done with the same user credentials Squid will be using to run the helper?