On 5/05/2013 5:18 a.m., Prathyush wrote:
Yahoo messenger not working in squid with ntlm auth .
Any suggestions ? or how I can make it work
It would be a good idea to figure out what the problem actually is first.
* Does YahooMessenger support NTLM at all?
* Does the OS YahooMessenger is being run on Support NTLM at all ? (note
that Windows XP was the last OS system that supported NTLM out of the box).
* Is squid configured in a way that enables NTLM to work? (persistent
connections enabled with both clients and servers)
* What version of Squid?
* Is Squid configured with NTLM authentication and how? or is Squid just
relaying it somewhere else?
... and lots more.