On 1/05/2013 4:04 a.m., Luciano Ruete wrote:
We are using squid 3.2.9 (but I checked change log up to 3.2.11 before
writing this mail).
If a user behind proxy starts a long file download and in the meantime
we do a -k rotate, that download gets broken.
I think this is a bug.
If it is actually Squid breaking the download that would be a bug.
However -k rotate does not do anything with active connections.
* restarts helpers, gracefully so that all pending requests are still
served. It MAY break connections which are midway through NTLM handshake
setup, but that is a transitory issue and disappears immediately on
client retry.
* renames the log files and starts writing to the new main log(s).
* dumps the cache index journal out to a new file (swap.state) and
starts using the new clean journal from that point onwards.
Apart from the swap.state generation all of this takes a few dozen
milliseconds at most. I'm not sure how long the swap.state writing takes
and how it overaps with the post-rotate resumption.
So can you please check your cache.log and system messages log carefully
to ensure that; a) Squid is not in fact crashing during the rotate -
which would definitely cut all transactions and b) how long the rotation
is taking in the active worker process - more than a few ms rotation
pausing time by Squid would allow TCP and NAT state timers to run out
and play havoc with random connections.