> On 27/04/2013 8:52 p.m., Amir Mottaghian wrote: > > Dear All > > > > Could you please guide me in order to configure authentication for > > transparent proxy in squid? > > Please see the FAQ: > http://wiki.squid- > cache.org/SquidFaq/InterceptionProxy#Why_can.27t_I_use_authentication > _together_with_interception_proxying.3F > That's not really a useful answer though, is it? You can't use the regular http "WWW-Authenticate" style authentication, but you can redirect the user to a captive portal style page and have them authenticate to that, then redirect back to the original address. Have a look at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Captive_portal for some info about the concept, and some limitations. Making it work with squid is an exercise for the reader, although I'm sure someone has described a solution somewhere before. James