Hello, Did anyone notice the changes with youtube videplayback url?. I have noticed that most of the youtube videos are no longer cached because its id is not static anymore . Most videos starts with "o" id= o- . I even changed my perl script to rewrite each videoplayback request to remove range and I could successfully get the whole video file into youtube player , but this is not my target . I also tried to get the video_id and save it to each videoplayback , but it was saving successfully if i watch each video .. Starting to send much more opening videos at the same time but perl starts to save a random video id to each videoplayback request which is not good at all . I have noticed that each video page has a file get_video_info which includes all urls related to the video and also the video_id is included so does anyone have any more ideas . The only way is to get the $video_id from each video request and keep video playback on hold because now we need to compare the $cpn which is being common between videoplayback\? url & s\? . Can we compare the $cpn using Squid since we are getting requests line by line!. For Example, we read s\? and get the "&video_id" and "&cpn" reserve it and then we search for the videoplayback which has the common "&cpn" , if cpn matched , then save the video_id that was with the same 'CPN" . Is it hard with Squid? . What is the solution? I already tried Php coding but perl was better..