On 03/21/2013 02:21 AM, Sokvantha YOUK wrote: > ## 2. Handle large object > 32kb < 200MB. The fourth worker handles large file > if ${process_number}=4 > cache_dir aufs /cache7/squid/${process_number} 170000 16 256 min-size=31001 max-size=200000000 > cache_dir aufs /cache8/squid/${process_number} 170000 16 256 min-size=31001 max-size=200000000 > endif Just to make sure you are not expecting a miracle here: The above worker may cache large files, but ALL workers will receive requests for large files. Workers 1-3 will always miss on large files. On average, 75% of requests for large files will go through workers that do not cache them and do not see them in the worker4 cache (in practice, this could be 90% if those workers happen to be busier due to OS scheduling bias!). If that is what you are after, the above config is correct. Otherwise, you need to redesign. HTH, Alex.