hi Guys , im migrating from suqid 3.1 to suqid 3.3.2 im trying to compile squid 3.3.2 with my centos machine which was kernel rebuilt to support "tproxy " my kernel now is 3.7.5 with 64 bit . my major issue is , i want squid to support smp feature because i had a server with dual cpus and i want to get benefit of the two cpus ! i had a look about wiki squid about smp and i found it avialiable on squid 3.3.2 http://wiki.squid-cache.org/Features/SmpScale ------------------------------------------------------------------------- i want to say that my request from squid is as follow : /i want squid to support:/ 1- wccp and "tproxy" 2-enable snmp and cache manager 3-enable smp feature 4-want to debug errors that appear in cache.log file im trying to compile squid 3.3.2 with the following options : from my little experience , based on my requirements above , i put the options below in compiling . ============================================================================== [root@squid squid-3.3.2]# *./configure --enable-linux-netfilter --with-default-user=squid --enable-wccpv2 --enable-snmp --enable-cachemgr-hostname=localhost ============================================================= does the options above statisy my requirements ?? again , about smp feaure , if somebody tested it on centos 6.3 and worked with him , i wish he can share me more details about it my server hardware is Delr720 . with my best regards -- View this message in context: http://squid-web-proxy-cache.1019090.n4.nabble.com/smp-feature-in-squid-3-3-2-on-centos-6-3-64-bits-tp4658872.html Sent from the Squid - Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.