On 2/03/2013 3:52 a.m., Martin Sperl wrote:
Thanks - that is what I have feared... I have tried with a header set via icap, and I can confirm it is possible to filter on the response this way - finally I can move forward! As you have mentioned, adding the acls based on unmodified requests would be helpful... As for notes/annotations - the man pages do not mention any of this at least in "acl" (http://www.squid-cache.org/Doc/config/acl/). Also there would be the need to allow to set/modify those notes from the config (similar to request_header_access/rewrite) Thanks, Martin
You should be able to achieve this functionality in any Squid-3.1+ by using an external_acl_type helper in the adapted_http_access ACLs to set a tag= parameter on the adapted request, then use the REQMOD access list to test for the tag value (using either ACL type 'tag' or another external ACL helper).