Have you tried the -r flag ?
./squid_kerb_auth -h
squid_kerb_auth [-d] [-i] [-r] [-s SPN] [-h]
-d full debug
-i informational messages
-r remove realm from username
-s service principal name
-h help
The SPN can be set to GSS_C_NO_NAME to allow any entry from keytab
default SPN is HTTP/fqdn@DEFAULT_REALM
"Esteban Torres Rodríguez" <mortenol.torres@xxxxxxxxx> wrote in message
I have configured my squid with autentication based on kerberos/ntlm/basic.
The configuration no have problem, but yes I have a problem with the
name user included in acls.
Kerberos call to user as "user@xxxxxxxxxx", but ntlm and basic call to
user as "user". This means that in my file acls users have to have
both for the same person.
Someone also happens?